
Monday, April 4, 2016

ATS Mods Studio updates

Over the past weeks we have been working hard on ATS Mods Studio, and some other cool things as well. First (closed) beta versions are already released on our forums, and we have successfully created mods.

First ever screenshot of our new ATS Mods Studio

First Trailer created with ATS Mods Studio
@adog1997, a member of our forum and a contributor in our campaign published a mod made with our new tool on Steam Workshop. Check it out here!

First ATS Mods Studio created trailer published on Steam Workshop
And, of course - we're still working hard on the 3D preview feature. Cadde has done some stellar work, and he's still full of great ideas... so, the future is bright for this one.

Alpha version screenshot of the 3D skin preview feature.
In the end, I would like to ask you guys to check out our IndieGogo campaign and also to share the word about it.
