Since a lot of you asked, here's how to add the new DAF XF Euro 6 to ETS2 Studio.
Go to the truck database (in options), and add a new truck. All the data you need to enter can be seen on the screenshot. (...and is also listed below with importaint stuff written in bold).
For detailed information on how to add a truck into E2S, read the blog post we wrote on how to add 50keda's DAF XF105.
Truck name: DAF XF Euro6
Truck internal name: daf.xf_euro6
Author: SCS Software
Cabins: (InternalName/Name)
superspace/Super Space
spacespoiler/Space Aero
There's a bug in our application that can prevent the skin from showing up in the game. If that happens, create the skin again, but leave the 'Suitable for' cabin options as they are by default.