
Friday, March 13, 2020

Why did we stop developing ETS2 and ATS studio?

Every couple of days, I get comments that ETS2 & ATS Studio was way better than Mods Studio 2, that MS2 does not work, and that I should update the old applications to support the current game version.

First of, I'm glad people think that old ETS2 & ATS Studio were awesome. They really were. I also think user interface looked way better than it does now. So... why did I decide to dump them and start completely from scratch?

E2S was made in a time when only ETS2 existed - in October 2013. There was no ATS, and also the game was not updated as often as it is now. Only a couple of DLCs existed... At that time, I also had way less development experience. All of that combined meant that the code behind the app was very rigid and oriented towards a specific task. It was convoluted, and it really was s PITA to update. I struggled for years to keep it updated and in line with ETS2 (and later on, with ATS). At one point, the game changes were so big, that it became impossible to update the apps. On top of that, the user interface elements that we used to design the app became obsolete as well, and it was time to pull the plug.

At this point, I can't even properly load the old source code in my Visual Studio. This effectively means that I cannot update the old apps - even if I wanted.

I also understand that Mods Studio 2 can annoy you at times. There's bugs, some features are missing, some things are different from what they were in the old apps... I'll do my best to fix bugs and develop missing features. But for some things, you'll have to put a little bit of effort and get used to the new way of doing things. I release MS2 updates almost on a monthly basis now. Things will improve - that's a prommise!

Join our Discord, we're always help with any MS2 issues you might have!

I hope you understand now why MS2 replaced the good ol' ETS2 and ATS studio.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Watch MS2 development live stream on Twitch

This Saturday (14th December 2019) I'll do a Mods Studio 2 development live stream! It's going to be a casual stream where I'll chat with you guys, develop some new features, talk about the plans, give out some SCS DLCs, etc... so, here's all the info about the upcoming stream:

Content of the stream?

  • MS2 Development (C#, Visual Studio)
  • MS2 Questions and Answers, Tutorials...
  • Giveaway (SCS DLCs...)
  • Casual chatting with you guys...

Did you say "Giveaway"?

I did... how else would I get people to watch it? Here's the list of things I'll give away:
  • We'll have 6 giveaway rounds throughout the stream, roughly one every 30 minutes.
  • In each round will give away one Steam DLC or game.
  • You can participate in the round(s) by using your raffle tickets.
  • Before each round, everyone will get a free raffle ticket.
  • The more raffle tickets you use in a giveaway round, the more chances you have to win the game or DLC. You can also skip a round and save your ticket for upcoming rounds.
  • You can get additional tickets by watching the stream, being active in chat, following the channel or by donating live on stream.
  • You can always use the command !points in the Twitch chat to see how many points you have available
  • You enter a round of giveaway by using command !raffle


14th December 2019 - that's a Saturday, people!

17:00-21:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
18:00-22:00 CET (Central Europe Time)

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time)
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)


Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

What is Mods Studio 2?

Dear ETS2 Studio (and ATS Studio) users,

I've been getting a lot of questions lately about Mods Studio 2, what is it, and how it's related to ETS2 and ATS Studio.

In Short - Mods Studio 2 is the successor of ETS2 and ATS Studio. 

In 2013 we released ETS2 Studio. In 2016 we released ATS Studio. At that point, we came up with a name "Mods Studio" which was used to reference both ETS2 and ATS studio at the same time, although at that time, they were two separate apps.

Now, we have Mods Studio 2 - it's purpose is to replace both ETS2 and ATS Studio, as the new app can make mods for both games (and more!).

Also, I must point out that there will be no updates for our older apps, and that there is no more support available for them. We are now pushing hard to update MS2 regularly, and that we'll bring it to the level of old E2S.

So, if you've missed it - grab the newest Mods Studio 2 from the official website! (released today) 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

New Mods Studio 2 finally released

It's finally here - an early access version of Mods Studio 2 has been released on SCS Software forum.

The most requested features are available:

  • Truck skins (old, classic type)
  • Truck skins (advanced type for Scania NextGen and MAN E6)
  • Owned trailer skins (ETS2 only at the moment)

This is an early preview version - development is still going on so expect more features and improvements on a monthly basis.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Blast from the past: First ETS2 Studio Versions

This is a first in a series of blog posts that's going to bring you up-to-speed on the current developments of Mods Studio project. Let's begin by taking a stroll trough our old releases...

The first publicly available version was numbered v.0.3and it was released on October 6th, 2013.

Main Window

Main window
Main window of the app was a MDI form with only a couple of options: File, Tools and About. I'm still a fan of old-school MDI windows, and still think this was probably the best design that we ever had.

Tools menu
Pictured is the tools menu. The initial version (0.3) had only the first two options, but we added more and more with each release.


SCS Archive Extractor
SCS archive extractor was just a simple user interface that used SCS Software's own extractor command line tool to do the work.

Tobj File Editor
Before E2S, most modding tutorials required use of Hex editors to edit the TOBJ files. Not to mention, the method of padding file and similar practices of the time...

Workshop Icon Generator
Simple tool to create workshop icons, as many mods missed them back in the day. Later, the tool was expanded with and "overlay" option and the "default icon" template.

SCS Color Calculator
A simple two-way tool to convert between SCS and RGB color spaces.

Main tools (Mod projects)

This was the bread and butter of E2S: Standalone trailers tool and Truck Skin tool. Initial version had only the trailers tool and only 2 trailers at that. That's actually why I made E2S: I was not happy with 'replacement' trailer skins as I believe mods should add content and not replace it. On the other hand, making standalone trailers was a painstaking process.

Two main project options (v.0.4)
Two main types of projects in v.0.4 - the idea was to add more with each release. Unfortunately, when we created a brand "new" UI (around v., I think) - we limited ourselves to these two + variable editor. In retrospect, a bad move.

Trailer tool: Trailer type selection

Trailer tool: Skin selection

Trailer tool: Cargo editor

Trailer tool: Cargo selection
Trailer tool offered stock SCS trailer types, and a list of standard SCS companies to deliver cargo from/to. Skins were DDS in the first version, but soon we offered option to use PNG, as many of our users didn't have tools to edit DDS images. Later versions had options to edit the list of trailers, companies...

Truck skin tool - truck selection

Truck skin tool - skin image selection

Truck skin tool - properties

Truck skin tool - workshop icon
Truck skin tool offered all SCS trucks and 50keda's 2009 Scania R, the most popular mod truck of the time. (Later, we added option to add mod trucks). All of the tools featured validation (Right side of the window), that showed the user what they are missing for a working mod. I still am proud of the design and functionality of our first ETS2 Studio.


First E2S was built using Visual Studio and was coded in C#. All of the UI was done in Windows Forms, and as the title says - it was Windows only. We used some external libraries to convert PNG to DDS, zip/unzip files and such. Also, we used SCS Software's own tools (extractor), and some base files for the trailers.

Next post will deal with the Mods Studio version that most of you know and have used for a long time, and after that, we'll get into the under the hood things of the upcoming Mods Studio 2.0.
So, folks, stay tuned!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Development of new Mods Studio starts in August

Hello everyone, it's been too long!

So, development of brand new Mods Studio is just about to start...

For the last couple of years, I've been working on a game, together with my wife. Yesterday, we finally submitted the game build for release. It's coming out on Steam on August 1st. For anyone interested, here's a little video:

So, with this project finished, I finally have time to make a new Mods Studio version. There are a lot of ideas flying around as what and how it should be made. One thing is for sure - it will be made in small steps. First step is to create a decent code base for the project. Second, we'll build the specific mod tools on that. 

As we all know, SCS is building a complete new trailer system (where you can own and modify your trailers). That's going to be a new challenge for us - figuring out the new system and finding a way to reproduce the trailers.

Another challenge is to make it work on all platforms: Windows, MacOS and Linux. The question here is, is the time and effort justifiable, since only 3% of players don't use Windows.

Going open source with the project will also be a challenge, sine I never coordinated such a project.

In any case, I'm hyped about the new Mods Studio project. I guess I needed some time off to get the spark back. :) See you soon with more news about the development.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mods Studio Public Beta is out!

Mods Studio public beta is available to registered users of our forums!
Two main features available are: ATS Studio and 3D Skin Previewer!

Check it out here:

WerewolfSoft Forums